Starry Nights
Outsider Artisan, and Brain Injury Survivor, Matteo Marignani, was inspired by the work of Vincent van Gogh and created his own rendition of “The Starry Night”. Utilizing multiple single and direct brushstrokes Marignani’s piece was painstakingly created over many days and hours.
Outsider Artisan, and Brain Injury Survivor, Matteo Marignani, was inspired by the work of Vincent van Gogh and created his own rendition of “The Starry Night”. Utilizing multiple single and direct brushstrokes Marignani’s piece was painstakingly created over many days and hours.
Outsider Artisan, and Brain Injury Survivor, Matteo Marignani, was inspired by the work of Vincent van Gogh and created his own rendition of “The Starry Night”. Utilizing multiple single and direct brushstrokes Marignani’s piece was painstakingly created over many days and hours.
Individual brushstrokes combine to create this interpretation of a Vincent van Gogh masterpiece.
14 x 11 x ¾
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Sam F.