steve emirzian
Steve Emirzian was born in Hartford, CT and graduated from the Connecticut School of Broadcasting before moving to New York City in 1983 to begin acting at the American Academy of Dramatic Arts.
Steve has worked in television, film and theater for over 20 years. He has been a writer for dozens of newspapers, magazines and art publications, as well. His weekly arts/entertainment column, "Center Stage," was very popular in discovering up-and-coming performers in the Hartford area for several years.
Steve has dedicated his creative efforts to script-writing, for both a Hartford sitcom based on his experiences working at a local television news station titled "The BigShot" (starring Bern Nadette Stanis, Thelma from "Good Times"), and a science fiction action series set in World War ll titled "Operation: Guardian Angels." He's (as of April (2020) shopping the ideas to several streaming services.
Steve is also an appointed commissioner with the Hartford Film and Media Commission. The focus of that job is to help bring in outside film and television productions to the city.